Wonderful Platform creates a platform based on technology.
Enhancing Everyday Happiness
with Warm AI Solutions and AI Care Robots
Chatbots, natural language processing, voice and video recognition are the robust foundations of our company.
With a total of 69 intellectual property rights, these technologies are seamlessly integrated into our products
and services, creating unique solutions only Wonderful Platform can offer.
Company History
- 2024Launched Avadin Robot for Samsung Life Insurance's new long-term care insurance riders (August 8)Ongoing POC for Samsung S-1's Silver Town project (August)Launched Avadin Dementia Robot for Samsung Life Insurance's new dementia insurance rider (July 9)Participated in Food Festival (hosted by CJ Freshway) exhibition (July)Selected for POC project at Walmart headquarters in the USA (July)Selected for the Yuseong District Smart Senior Center project in Daejeon (July)Additional supply of 200 Avadin Robots for depression reduction to Danyang County, Chungbuk (June)Completed delivery of AI coding robots to 17 elementary schools in Seoul (June)Participated in the Computex Exhibition in Taiwan (May)Ongoing supply of care robots to Geumsan County Office (May)Confirmed care robot supply project for Cheongyang County Office (May)Ongoing developmental disability project in Seoul/Gyeonggi Provinceㅤ
- 2023Selected as an Excellent Corporate Research Institute by the Ministry of Science and ICT in 2023Awarded AI Company of the Year in the Robotics category at the 2023 Korea Robotics AwardsParticipated in the 12th Smart Tech Korea exhibitionParticipated in NextRise 2023 ExpoAchieved AAA rating in technology business evaluation by Korea Technology Finance CorporationParticipated in World IT Show (ICT Technology Commercialization Festival)Participated in the Chicago Healthcare Exhibition HIMSS 2023Integrated ChatGPT into robot services (first in Korea)Participated in CES 2023 in Las Vegasㅤ
- 2022Participated in the Las Vegas Healthcare HLTH exhibitionSelected as a Baby Unicorn by the Ministry of SMEs and StartupsParticipated in the 11th Smart Tech Korea exhibitionSigned MOU with National Health Insurance ServiceReceived the President's Award from the Intelligent Information Industry AssociationLaunched CodingKLaunched AvadinKStarted terrestrial broadcasting promotion with KTSigned MOU with Mintit for joint development of AI care services for the elderly living aloneParticipated in CES 2022 in Las Vegasㅤ
- 2021Participated in the Boston Healthcare HLTH exhibitionSelected as Korea New Deal of the MonthSigned domestic general distributor agreement for care robots with KTSelected as a Global SW Specialized Company (R&D)Selected for SW High-Growth 200 Clubㅤ
- 2020Certified as an Excellent Corporate Research InstituteAchieved A rating in technology business evaluation by Korea Technology Finance Corporation for two consecutive yearsNICE Technology Evaluation T-4 Certificationㅤ
- 2019Received the Award from the President of the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Planning and Evaluationㅤ
- 2018Recognized as an Excellent Company for Employee Invention CompensationAppointed as an Executive Member of the Intelligent Information Industry AssociationRegistered company on Korea Securities Market (KSM) operated by Korea ExchangeReceived the Minister of Science and ICT Awardㅤ
- 2017Selected as a K-Global 300 companyDesignated for Alternative Military Service as a Specialized Research Instituteㅤ
- 2016Certified as a Venture CompanyEstablished a Corporate Research Institute
Wonderful Platform is collaborating with top partners.
Approximately 110 local governments and health centers across
the country are working with Avadin
Management Team
Seungyeop Koo
Former Semiconductor Researcher (AV Systems at Samsung Electronics) (1989-1997)
Founded an AI neural network-based securities analysis venture (1998-2001)
Established and operated a Hong Kong corporation, achieving 1 trillion KRW in sales (2002-2010)
Dr. Sungtaek Hwang
Former Head of AI Development at Samsung Electronics
Winner of Samsung Technical Award for Mobile Devices
Holds 789 patents / Listed in three major biographical dictionaries
Louis Lee
Oversees global sales and marketing
Graduate of Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Design
Born in Hong Kong / Korean Citizen
Independent Director
Bokman Kim
Current) Secretary-General, Gil Forum / Jindaeje AMP
Current) Executive Director, Startup Forum
Former) Managing Director, Electronic Times
Jaehong Kim
Former) Independent Director at Wonderful Platform
Former) 1st Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
Former) President of KOTRA PhD in Public Administration
Daejoo Accounting Firm
Current) Financial Auditor
U.S. Subsidiary Status
Wonderful Platform is actively pursuing global expansion, led by its U.S. subsidiary.
In 2021, we participated in the Boston HLTH Healthcare Exhibition to raise brand awareness.
In 2022, we held meetings with various home care companies at CES in Las Vegas.
That same year, we received considerable interest from local companies at the Las Vegas
HLTH Healthcare Exhibition, paving the way for future collaborations.
Wonderful Platform is growing into a global healthcare company, actively engaging in the global silver market.
Exhibition Participation